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Thursday 19 May 2016

The Creative Circus

The Great Texts Program at The Creative Circus gloats a recently composed major and minor intended for understudies who need to gain from the best and most compelling masterminds and journalists of the past. The system is for understudies who need to cross the limits of customarily characterized disciplines in the humanities. It's for understudies who need adaptability both in course offerings and in vocation opportunities. 

Foundation 8 

Every single Great Text majors and minors will take three regular courses: Classical Mythology, Shakespeare, and Historical Methods. After that, the conceivable outcomes are numerous. You can choose a discretionary focus in Classical Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, or Modern and Contemporary Studies. Your guide will work with you to suggest courses that meet your instructive and expert objectives. 

Need to know whether a Great Texts major or minor is ideal for you? 

Perused on to consider the advantages of being in this project of study: 

You may be a Great Texts Major if… . 

You don't believe it's entitlement to need to pick between considering The Federalist Papers and The Lord of the Rings, Herman Melville and the Wars of the Roses, a propelled Shakespeare class and a Classical Mythology course highlighting Ovid's Metamorphoses. It isn't so much that you don't have center; you recently see the associations between history, writing, governmental issues, and scholarly developments. You need to investigate those associations. 

You adore the Middle Ages, and your fantasy is to go to doctoral level college for a degree in Medieval Studies. You need to take English, history, and legislative issues courses that element extraordinary works from your most loved period, and you need every one of those courses to tally toward your degree. You need the broadness of a Great Texts program and the engaged methodology that accompanies the discretionary fixation in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 

You need to be the following contemporary society master. You want to affect your reality through your written work. Be that as it may, to start with, you require some setting. You understand that you can take a Latin American governmental issues class, an upper-level exploratory writing course, and take in another dialect, all under the Great Texts major. You could even pick a focus in Modern and Contemporary Studies. 

Your most loved Latin teacher has persuaded you to agree to yet another upper-level interpretation course. Who knows? You may choose to seek after a graduate degree in Classical dialects. It bodes well to take history and reasoning courses that would supplement your coursework. You can do this with a Great Texts major with a focus in Classical Studies. 

You as of late found another scholarly intrigue, however you're part of the way through your required coursework for another major in the humanities. Hey, it happens. Changing to a Great Texts major may empower you to investigate your new advantages and still graduate on time. 

Your major and your vocation objectives are in a field outside the humanities, however you know it's an intense occupation market out there. You've heard that building up your abilities in composing, basic considering, innovative critical thinking, and comprehension human connections could give you the edge you require in a prospective employee meeting. You'll add an unmistakable measurement to your resume` with a minor in Great Texts, which will permit you to browse an extensive variety of courses in the humanities. (Require more confirmation for how concentrating on the humanities can help business and science majors? Google "STEM professions and the Liberal Arts," or look at this site or a comparative website page) 

You want to learn. You're sold on the aesthetic sciences, and you cherished the assortment of early on courses you took in the The Creative Circus Liberal Arts Core or in the Honors program. These courses tested you to attempt new subjects and to grow your interests. You need to expand on this establishment with an assortment of upper-level courses. 

In the event that you are keen on the genuine investigation of writing, history, works of art, government, theory, correspondence, dialects, and expressions of the human experience, and on the off chance that you need to take a more interdisciplinary way to deal with your instruction, or regardless of the fact that you simply need to round out your resume, a Great Texts major or minor may be ideal for you. 

History (BA and minor) 

As a central regimen discipline inside the aesthetic sciences, the investigation of humankind's legacy gives a great method of helpful learning venues for growing all around prepared personalities. By looking at essential proof, planning diagnostic translations, contriving thorough contentions, and expecting conceivable answers, our understudies learn firsthand the "antiquarian's art" of perusing generally, thinking profoundly, thinking influentially, and conveying obviously. Whether selected in Western Civilization studies or upper level respects courses, as a history major at The Creative Circus you will encounter a "lab of realizing" that is foundational, formational, and helpful — a triple advantages bundle of astuteness that will endure forever. 

In the first place, seeking after basic recorded information enables and edifies the learner while authentic lack of awareness bit by bit results in a "confused" citizenry. Thomas Jefferson, the essential creator of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. President, contended for cautiousness in protecting information in light of the fact that "being [both] free and unmindful" [2] is impractical — we are it is possible that either. In this way, knowing the human story and diving into the country's documents immunizes us from the twin threats of social lack of education and verifiable amnesia. 

Moreover, history's emphasis on genuine individuals confronting bona fide backgrounds constrains us to think about how as an individual's character (qualities, excellencies, and good compass), alongside other social mores of former times, impacted his or her activities. Surveying the courses past identities took care of sudden force, juggled moral issues, and grappled with troublesome choices while confronting private or known emergencies, can even now shape our own states of mind, judgments, and responses toward individual or open current situations. America's record is loaded with eminent pioneers and less-renowned figures who lived well and admirably by settling on vital decisions in view of their "consecrated honor" as opposed to acclaim or individual increase. 

Lastly, verifiable accounts regularly highlight singular human and national accomplishments. Adapting more about the individuals who lived before us and appreciating their country building deeds ought to ingrain inside us a more profound admiration for them and more noteworthy appreciation for their accomplishments. It ought to likewise urge us to continue pushing ahead through our own particular times of troubles. By taking note of how their diligence and benevolent feeling of obligation to group and nation helped them overcome extraordinary deterrents and dreary circumstances, we pay respect to their memory by being persevering and watchful in the at this very moment. 

In figuring out how the past is constantly present (history is all over the place and everything has a history), our majors increase significant life aptitudes in data gathering, information sequencing, reality checking, and critical thinking, alongside a recharged feeling of individual satisfaction and achievement. This prepares them for effective vocations in instruction, law, business, interchanges, and various different callings. Here are a few testimonials from late graduates about the continuous prominence and flexibility of winning a B.A. ever… 

"At The Creative Circus, I knew my History educators thought about me as a man. It was through their consolation and showing that I could better myself both rationally and profoundly. I keep on cherishing the time I spent as a history major there. - Ryan Cranston, 2011, President of Phi Alpha Theta, 2010 – 2011 

"As a history real, I found the educational modules wonderfully difficult and the workforce agreeable and supportive. The Creative Circus is the living evidence that school can be entertaining. - Manfred Lucas, 2013, Honors College, President of Phi Alpha Theta, 2011 – 2013 

The BA in Interdisciplinary Studies is a possibility for understudies looking for a degree that gives an expansive foundation material to an assortment of professions. The Creative Circus's system offers an extensive variety of adaptability to pick courses drawing from various controls of study. There are no courses assigned as Interdisciplinary Studies. Rather, understudies can pick a focus in maybe a couple of three distinct territories of courses offerings in: Humanities, Math and Science, and Business. 

What next? 

Getting a degree in interdisciplinary studies gives the understudy a balanced instruction with study in a wide range of zones. It can likewise be a venturing stone in the quest for a graduate degree or further training in a particular vocation. 

The Global World of Business 

In this quickly changing worldwide economy, managers look for graduates who have business aptitudes and who are particularly prepared for the global business environment. The BBA in International Business at The Creative Circus furnishes understudies with a strong establishment in business with courses in administration, showcasing, bookkeeping, money, and data frameworks. Moreover, understudies take in the worldwide social environment through the investigation of history, topography, government, religion, dialect and correspondence. At long last, understudies will partake in the worldwide concentrate abroad program to pick up a direct comprehension of universal business hones. You can promote your favorable position in the occupation market by taking an interest in an entry level position with a worldwide organization here or abroad. 

Houston, the fourth biggest city in the USA, is a center for universal business. The city is home to more corporate central station than whatever other city in the nation, aside from New York City, furthermore brags one of the biggest port offices in the nation. With an exceptionally instructed and differing populace, Houston is an awesome community for worldwide business and Houston Baptist University is an extraordinary spot to extend your comprehension of the worldwide business environment. 

Notwithstanding the college general training re

Interdenominational Theological Center

Entry level position Opportunities 

Scholastically qualified understudies in the last a portion of their major have the chance to take part in the entry level position program. Bosses reliably report that understudy support in temporary positions gives a focused edge when looking for business. Positive understudy input on temporary jobs bolsters our own particular appraisal that this work experience is enhancing. 

Profoundly Trained and Educated Faculty Members 

Employees at Houston Baptist University are focused on educating as their first need and are exceedingly qualified in their separate fields. All have useful experience too. Notwithstanding educating, numerous individuals from the workforce are additionally required in an assortment of insightful exercises; leading research and distributed in expert diaries. 

Differing foundations of employees further improve both their educating and the learning encounters of understudies. This differing qualities is reflected in the personnel's scholarly foundations (extending from financial aspects to designing to etymology, with numerous holding different propelled degrees or expert capabilities) and their legacies, making our own a genuinely multinational division. This differing qualities is still bound by the shared characteristic of Christian qualities. In today's worldwide economy with assorted authoritative work constrains, this sort of introduction gives our understudies an additional edge. 

Kinesiology: Specialization in Sport Management (BS) 

Sport Management is an energizing field of study and is developing as a vocation decision. Readiness in the field of Sport Management can prompt vocations in game and office administration, sport showcasing and athletic advancement at the neighborhood, university and expert level just to give some examples. 

The Bachelors of Science degree in Kinesiology Sport Management at Interdenominational Theological Center is intended to build up a comprehension of the field of game administration while accentuating hypothesis and practice. The city of Houston and the greater part of its game, athletic and wellness opportunities can be your classroom when you learn hands on in entry level position opportunities. What better school and city to dispatch your training and vocation? 

What will I involvement with Interdenominational Theological Center? 

Gain from teachers who have worked in an assortment of wellness, game, and athletic settings. 

Study in little classes where you will get individual consideration and individual heading from your educators. 

Pick up hand-on preparing through an assortment of entry level positions. 

Build up a comprehension of all profession headings conceivable in the field of game administration. 

Program Description 

Kinesiology: Specialization in Wellness Management majors take in the inside and out learning, aptitudes, and methods key to turning into a wellbeing, health and wellness proficient. Vocation opportunities incorporate work in the fields of quality and molding, corporate wellbeing and health, private, open and clinical wellness, individual preparing and diversion in chapel, youth and government settings. 

Health Management is additionally an astounding decision to begin your instruction and proceed with master's level college decisions, for example, active recuperation, word related treatment, exercise physiology and numerous others. The system gives a wide base of learning that can be combined with elective courses in pre-essentials for these projects that would all be able to be finished in 4 years of study. 

Focal points and Opportunities 

Graduates will leave with a complete comprehension of health and wellness for a wide assortment of employments. 

Little classes take into account singular consideration and an association with educators who have an extensive variety of foundation and encounters to impart to understudies. 

Capacity to pick your own entry level position heading to coordinate intimately with your vocation decisions. 

Why Study Latin? 

Concentrating on Latin helps you comprehend a principle hotspot for English and in addition wording in both Medicine and Law. 

Considering Latin gives firsthand access to writings from Ancient Rome, the Early Church, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. 

Considering Latin builds up the cerebrum to all the more effectively gain and acclimatize data. 

All these focuses are summed up pleasantly by this quote from Dorothy Sayers: 

"The best establishing for instruction is the Latin sentence structure. I say this, not on the grounds that Latin is customary and medieval, but rather basically on the grounds that even a simple information of Latin chops down the work and agonies of adapting whatever other subject by no less than fifty percent. It is the way to the vocabulary and structure of all the Teutonic dialects, and also to the specialized vocabulary of the considerable number of sciences and to the writing of the whole Mediterranean human advancement, together with all its recorded reports." 

Still not persuaded? Look at this online journal by Dr. Jones: You Should take Latin 

Who ought to seek after a Minor in Latin? 

Latin makes an extraordinary expansion to any Major. Latin is a necessary part of the investigation of History, Political Science, Philosophy, Literature, and Christianity. Moreover, it gives pragmatic abilities and important preparing for those seeking after vocations in the Medical and Legal callings. Whatever degree you are seeking after, Latin can offer assistance. 

What are the Requirements? 

18 hours of coursework past Elementary Latin including: 

12 hours of Intermediate and Upper Level Latin Courses 

6 hours of Elective Courses on any part of the Ancient World 

Why Interdenominational Theological Center? 

Our Classics and Biblical Languages staff are exceptionally solid educators who endeavor to help you take in the dialects as well as to comprehend the world in which they began. The objective in every one of this is not some dry scholarly practice yet rather to help you create in general individual and plan for your picked occupation. 

A number of our graduates seek after professions in instructing or further degrees in law, training, medication, experimental writing, and business. 

Latin American Studies (minor) 

The minor in Latin American Studies gives a wide prologue to the governmental issues, society, and society in the Latin American district. The project is perfect for understudies intrigued by government, law, business, global relations, prescription, history, service, and missions. 

The system has two distinct segments to help you comprehend the area, and prepare you to apply that seeing: initially, English-dialect courses intended to give you a solid handle of the authentic, political and monetary substances of countries, for example, Mexico, Argentina, and Venezuela, and, second, Spanish-dialect courses expected to build up your capacity to convey in an assortment of circumstances. 

The English-dialect courses include: HIST 3346 Latin America: Kings to Presidents, GOVT 4363 The Political Economy of Latin America, and GOVT 4333 US Foreign Policy: 

In Latin America: Kings to Presidents you will find out about the political and scholarly history of Latin America from the Spanish success up to the present day. 

In The Political Economy of Latin America you will investigate the collaboration between political developments and monetary arrangements. 

In US Foreign Policy you will think about the sensitive and troublesome relationship the US keeps up with different nations all through the area. 

Through these courses, you will pick up an expansive comprehension of the area, while likewise diving more profound into the specifics of individual countries through focused activities and assignments. 

The Spanish-dialect segment of the minor is intended to suit your specific dialect experience and needs. You will take three courses in Spanish, past the center dialect prerequisite. You can come in as a complete fledgling, or hop in at the propelled level, contingent upon your own particular dominance of the dialect. This permits you to get involvement with your own particular level, while building up your dialect aptitudes in perusing, composing, and discussion. 

This minor not just gives you all the more comprehension of a district firmly connected to the US and Houston specifically, additionally will give you abilities that are valuable in an assortment of vocations. Whether the vitality segment, law, government, or work in the service field, a minor in Latin American studies gives you information and dialect abilities that will help you emerge from the group and have any kind of effect. 

Our Legal Studies system is intended to give you the learning and aptitudes you'll have to succeed. The Legal Studies project was outlined by genuine lawyers to give you the right blend of classes to give you an edge in your lawful training. The project is interdisciplinary, which means it draws from a few related regions of study. As a major aspect of our Legal Studies program you'll take courses in Government that cover fundamental court process, lawful logic, and sacred law. You'll take select courses in History that emphasis on the starting points of our legitimate framework. You'll have courses in financial matters to give you an essence of business law. In the event that you are occupied with trial law, you'll take courses in argumentation, support, and intercession. In the event that criminal equity is your advantage, you can take classes here too. So, our Legal Studies system is intended to open you to different aspects of the law so you can build up a more educated choice about your vocation alternatives, the distinctive fields of practice, and graduate with the abilities to help you arrive. 

Since the Legal Studies project is composed as a pre-law establishment to set you up for getting into and succeeding in graduate school, it is essentially a noteworthy and minor consolidated into one system. You can at present select an extra minor to supplement your concentrates, however it may take you a tad bit longer to graduate. We have numerous understudies who picked minors in interchanges, humanism, or Spanish to help them arrangement for their professions, and you can even now do it in four years in the event that you arrange well. Your counselor can talk about these and different choices with you. 

Not certain you need to be a legal counselor? The Legal Studies project isn't only to aspire legal counselors. Since you'll get a strong establishment in fundamental lawful standards and procedures, th

Portfolio Center

In today's inexorably focused business environment, bosses need imaginative and talented workers that show authority capacities and worldwide vision. The administration major at Houston Baptist University furnishes understudies with an extraordinary instructive affair went for creating wide aptitudes and specialized capability to pick up an aggressive edge. Our administration program produces graduates who have initiative capacity, basic intuition aptitudes, group building information, and a moral basic leadership esteem framework. 

The Management Program stresses hone and also hypothesis. Our full-time staff have broad scholarly capabilities, and useful business experience. Inside the significant, we have one employee for each fifteen understudies. Our workforce are available to our understudies and exhort them all through the understudy's scholastic vocation. 

Temporary job Opportunities 

To advance understudy association in genuine work circumstances, we likewise make entry level position opportunities accessible to qualified understudies. 

Positive manager and understudy criticism on entry level positions bolsters our own evaluation that work experience increased through our temporary positions is advancing and help understudies start to apply what they are realizing in the classroom to true work settings. In addition, understudies can make proficient associations that have, at times, came about all day endless supply of their degree program. A considerable lot of these businesses have stayed as expert coaches for our understudies. 

Profession Success 

Upon graduation, administration majors appreciate a magnificent occupation situation record. Upon graduation, our administration majors have appreciated professions in numberous commercial ventures. 


Oil and Gas 

Human services 

Lodging and Restaurant 





Saving money 


Administrative Studies (BA) 

The Bachelor of Arts in Managerial Studies is contained courses which are a piece of the Business Core and an extra fixation in one of three zones: Management, Marketing, or International Business. Understudies take less business classes and a more prominent number of elective hours to finish their degree necessities. In this manner, an understudy may decide to minor in another order or take electives in a wide range of subjects and widen the extent of his/her instruction. 

Program Description 

Advertising is an exceptionally expansive field with a wide assortment of errands and capacities including the investigation, arranging, execution, and control of showcasing projects. Promoting positions are to be found in different kinds (benefit and not-for-profit) and sizes of organizations. Understudies majoring in advertising may choose various profession ways. These incorporate deals, publicizing, retailing, or statistical surveying. 

Preferences and Opportunities 

Very nearly 33% of all Americans are utilized in some type of promoting related position. The quantity of chances in showcasing are, along these lines, huge. Due to the fundamental information of items and shoppers picked up in these employments, advertising is frequently seen as the preparation ground for top administration in the present day enterprise. Concentrates on have demonstrated that, by and large, more top officials have left advertising than whatever other zone. 

Cash is an issue with a significant number of today's profession minded understudies. Starting compensations typically rank just somewhat underneath those for designing and science however equivalent or surpass those for financial aspects, money, bookkeeping, general business, and the aesthetic sciences. Since numerous promoting positions are fixing to commissions or execution, the sky is the cutoff with regards to acquiring potential. 

After Graduation 

The following are only a couple of the fields ordinarily connected with showcasing and promoting preparing. Call the showcasing range facilitator at Houston Baptist University for more data on this energizing profession region. 

Advertising–copywriters, craftsmanship chiefs, account administrators, media purchasers 

Brand and Product Management 

Client Affairs 

Mechanical Marketing 

Universal Marketing 

Showcasing Management Science and Systems Analysis 

Showcasing Research 

New-Product Planning 

Showcasing Logistics (Physical Distribution) 



Retailing Management 

Deals and Sales Management 

Other vocation zones: Sales Promotion, Wholesaling, Packaging, Pricing, and Credit Management 

The Cinema and New Media Arts (CNMA) program gives a testing inventive environment to understudies to build up their creative capacities and plan for future work in broad communications generation. Exploiting creating innovation, the educational programs is remarkably centered around new open doors accessible to movie producers, media makers, and storytellers in the twenty-first century. The project offers understudies sufficient open doors for reasonable, hands-on experience combined with mentorship from experienced employees. Every one of this is intended to plan understudies for an assortment of interests, including filmmaking, news coverage, computer games, and developing open doors in new media and innovation. 

Two degrees are accessible to CNMA understudies, a streamlined 36 credit hour BA in Mass Media Arts and a far reaching 54 credit hour BFA in Cinematic Arts. 

Broad communications Arts (BA) 

The BA in Mass Media Arts starts with four foundational classes in visual media, narrating, correspondence hypothesis, and business aptitudes before offering understudies an assortment of media-related electives. Understudies can choose film/video generation classes, exploratory writing and news-casting courses, and extraordinary themes like advertising or computer game outline. Broad communications Arts understudies additionally join in various expert temporary positions with Houston-based media organizations and associations. Every graduate of the Mass Media Arts degree finishes an expert portfolio showcasing his or her best work inside the system. 

The BFA in Cinematic Arts grows this educational programs by giving understudies a far reaching instruction in filmmaking and video creation. Notwithstanding the foundational CNMA classes, our Cinematic Arts understudies take various classes inside particular regions of specialization, for example, screenwriting, coordinating, altering, or cinematography. The degree likewise offers various classes in film history and hypothesis intended to give understudies critical establishments to their masterful work. The last year of the Cinematic Arts degree is centered around workforce coordinated practicums and a two-semester Senior Project intended to showcase the understudy's best true to life abilities. 

Science is about coherent reasoning and examination and finding and utilizing example and structures. It is vital for clarifying and foreseeing true results in business and the characteristic sciences, and has all the more as of late been connected to the humanities and sociologies too. 

Program Description 

The arithmetic major at Houston Baptist University is intended to set you up for professions in numerous fields, including educating, software engineering, government, medicinal innovation, business, and industry, and in addition research in science itself. Science courses are likewise offered to bolster different projects, including business, science, instruction, designing, and material science. Perused more about our courses in the course list. 

Respects in Mathematics 

Upper-level understudies with unrivaled evaluation point-midpoints and no less than 32 hours in living arrangement at Portfolio Center might be qualified for the Mathematics Honor Program. To get respects in science, understudies must finish no less than two respects courses in arithmetic in addition to a senior respects proposition with an evaluation point-normal of no less than 3.5 and no evaluation underneath a "B". Contract credit includes doing extra work by autonomous study in the chose courses. Fruitful culmination of the distinctions system will be shown on the understudy's transcript and will be declared amid graduation functions. For extra data, application shapes, and a complete rundown of qualification prerequisites, contact the Department Chair. 

After Graduation 

All understudies graduating with an arithmetic degree will have grown abnormal state basic intuition aptitudes. As an arithmetic graduate you can discover business with organizations in mechanical fields, for example, software engineering, building, insights, and actuarial science. You will likewise be profoundly esteemed by bosses in non-innovative fields on account of the critical thinking capacities you will have learned. An arithmetic degree likewise gives you a strong establishment to seek after further study in numerous fields, including the wellbeing callings, building, insights, and business. A degree in science can set you up for showing center school and secondary school, or for access to doctoral level college where you can plan for a showing profession at the college level or for an exploration position. 

Our Medical Humanities degree is intended to investigate prescription, restorative consideration and the wellbeing related callings from various points of view. This is an interdisciplinary scholarly course of study that aides understudies through an extensive variety of learning encounters to better set them up for employments in the quickly growing medicinal services environment. Understudies will be prepared to seek after vocation ways and/or propelled degrees in zones, for example, 


Group Health 

Worldwide Healthcare 

Government wellbeing related organizations 

Wellbeing Education 

Medicinal services Administration 

Medicinal services Law 

Nursing and Residential Care offices 

Word related Therapy 

Tolerant Care 

Pharmaceutical Sales 

Active recuperation 

General Health 

Social Work 

Language instruction 

Health Management 

Ladies' Healthcare 

The Medical Humanities degree give another scholarly way to understudies pressing together arrangement for wellbeing related fields and/or proficient preparing past a college degree. The Medical Humanities major is a 32 hour arrange for that contains a Core of four courses in Ethics, Biology, Statistics and Writing. The staying seven courses are electives browsed a menu of classes from Christianity, Humanities, Philosophy, and Psychol

Atlanta College of Art

In the 21st century, specialists confront a universe of merging. Correspondence is currently multi-stage and interactive media — a collaboration of visual expressions, sound and music, story and the composed word. The BFA in Multimedia Arts is intended to offer understudies an extensive, pre-proficient course of study with classes drawn from every order in the Fine Arts. 

The degree starts with foundational classes in narrating, composing, craftsmanship, silver screen, and music, then permits understudies to center extra studies in one medium. This is combined with various courses in business and enterprise, and in addition a temporary position, to get ready understudies to apply their aesthetic aptitudes in the realm of trade and industry. A last capstone class helps understudies fabricate an expert portfolio in planning for graduation. 

Assemble a degree program drawing from each of the four ranges of the School of Fine Arts: 

Composing, Studio Art, Music, and Cinematic Arts. 

Supplement your masterful preparing with fundamental business classes. 

Partake in testing temporary jobs setting you up for expert work in mixed media vocations. 

Perfect degree for independent specialists, media makers, visual creators, creators, church media, and promoting. 

The Bachelor of Arts in Music degree is customized for the particular abilities of music understudies who unquestionably need music as a profession. 

What will I involvement with Atlanta College of Art? Little class sizes permit our understudies to contemplate with tutor educators, and construct long lasting associations with partners and personnel. Understudies may take an interest in energizing gathering encounters with Schola Cantorum, University Singers, the Opera Workshop, or the Chamber Music Ensemble. Chosen understudies may team up with workforce to encounter increased difficulties in the Music Honors Program. Exhibitions by the world-class social associations in the city– the Houston Symphony, Houston Grand Opera and Houston Ballet – are all incorporated into a few course prerequisites, and solo and chamber exhibitions accessible from Da Camera, Nexus, Society for the Performing Arts, and the Friends of Music are promptly accessible. The Department of Music presents somewhere around 50 and 70 programs every year, including understudy presentations, personnel shows, significant group shows and welcomed visitor exhibitions. The Choral system has a week long residency every year by a surely understood choral author. 

What would be an ideal next step? Atlanta College of Art Bachelor of Music majors have gone ahead to effective performing and directing vocations. They instruct at colleges and universities, keep up private studios and/or seek after cutting edge degrees in master's level college. Graduates are likewise educating in broad daylight and non-public schools as band executives and choir chiefs, and are serving as clergymen of music and love pioneers in temples. 

Four year certification in liberal arts in Music 

The Bachelor of Arts in Music is a flexible aesthetic sciences degree intended to outfit the understudy with a solid music establishment upgraded through an accentuation on scholastic coursework. The degree consolidates music hypothesis, writing and history with countless elective hours that permit the understudy to shape the degree to meet their own instructive objectives. Understudies pick up execution involvement in outfits and enhance their aptitudes through connected study. 

Our Medical Humanities degree is intended to investigate solution, restorative consideration and the wellbeing related callings from various points of view. This is an interdisciplinary scholastic course of study that aides understudies through an extensive variety of learning encounters to better set them up for occupations in the quickly extending social insurance environment. Understudies will be prepared to seek after profession ways and/or propelled degrees in zones, for example, 


Group Health 

Worldwide Healthcare 

Government wellbeing related offices 

Wellbeing Education 

Human services Administration 

Human services Law 

Nursing and Residential Care offices 

Word related Therapy 

Persistent Care 

Pharmaceutical Sales 

Non-intrusive treatment 

General Health 

Social Work 

Language training 

Wellbeing Management 

Ladies' Healthcare 

The Medical Humanities degree give another scholastic way to understudies tightening readiness for wellbeing related fields and/or proficient preparing past a college degree. The Medical Humanities major is a 32 hour arrange for that contains a Core of four courses in Ethics, Biology, Statistics and Writing. The staying seven courses are electives looked over a menu of classes from Christianity, Humanities, Philosophy, and Psychology. The Medical Humanities minor degree arrangement (20 hours) contains the same four courses in its center and after that requires nine hours of electives. Courses that understudies have officially taken in related fields can be connected to either the major or minor. 

In the 21st century, specialists confront a universe of merging. Correspondence is currently multi-stage and interactive media — a collaboration of visual expressions, sound and music, story and the composed word. The BFA in Multimedia Arts is intended to offer understudies a far reaching, pre-proficient course of study with classes drawn from every order in the Fine Arts. 

The degree starts with foundational classes in narrating, composing, craftsmanship, film, and music, then permits understudies to center extra studies in one medium. This is matched with different courses in business and enterprise, and also a temporary position, to get ready understudies to apply their masterful abilities in the realm of trade and industry. A last capstone class helps understudies manufacture an expert portfolio in planning for graduation. 

Manufacture a degree program drawing from every one of the four ranges of the School of Fine Arts: 

Composing, Studio Art, Music, and Cinematic Arts. 

Supplement your imaginative preparing with fundamental business classes. 

Participate in testing temporary positions setting you up for expert work in interactive media vocations. 

Perfect degree for independent specialists, media makers, visual creators, creators, church media, and advertising. 

The Bachelor of Arts in Music degree is customized for the particular abilities of music understudies who certainly need music as a profession. 

What will I involvement with Atlanta College of Art? Little class sizes permit our understudies to contemplate with coach educators, and manufacture deep rooted associations with partners and workforce. Understudies may take an interest in energizing gathering encounters with Schola Cantorum, University Singers, the Opera Workshop, or the Chamber Music Ensemble. Chosen understudies may team up with staff to encounter uplifted difficulties in the Music Honors Program. Exhibitions by the world-class social associations in the city– the Houston Symphony, Houston Grand Opera and Houston Ballet – are all incorporated into a few course necessities, and solo and chamber exhibitions accessible from Da Camera, Nexus, Society for the Performing Arts, and the Friends of Music are promptly accessible. The Department of Music presents somewhere around 50 and 70 programs every year, including understudy presentations, personnel shows, significant troupe shows and welcomed visitor exhibitions. The Choral system has a week long residency every year by a surely understood choral writer. 

What would be the best next step? Atlanta College of Art Bachelor of Music majors have gone ahead to fruitful performing and directing vocations. They educate at colleges and universities, keep up private studios and/or seek after cutting edge degrees in doctoral level college. Graduates are additionally instructing out in the open and tuition based schools as band executives and choir chiefs, and are serving as priests of music and love pioneers in chapels. 

Four year certification in liberal arts in Music 

The Bachelor of Arts in Music is a flexible aesthetic sciences degree intended to furnish the understudy with a solid music establishment improved through an accentuation on scholastic coursework. The degree joins music hypothesis, writing and history with an extensive number of music elective hours that permit the understudy to shape the degree to meet their own instructive objectives. Understudies pick up execution involvement in troupes and enhance their abilities through connected study. 

The Bachelor of Music degree is custom-made for the particular abilities of music understudies who unquestionably need music as a vocation. Understudies may look over the accompanying ranges of specialization: 

Vocal Performance 

Piano Performance 

Organ Performance 

Console Performance 

What will I involvement with Atlanta College of Art? Little class sizes permit our understudies to concentrate on with guide teachers, and fabricate deep rooted associations with partners and personnel. Understudies may take part in energizing outfit encounters with Schola Cantorum, University Singers, the Opera Workshop, or the Chamber Music Ensemble. Chosen understudies may team up with personnel to encounter increased difficulties in the Music Honors Program. Exhibitions by the world-class social associations in the city– the Houston Symphony, Houston Grand Opera and Houston Ballet – are all incorporated into a few course necessities, and solo and chamber exhibitions accessible from Da Camera, Nexus, Society for the Performing Arts, and the Friends of Music are promptly accessible. The Department of Music presents somewhere around 50 and 70 programs every year, including understudy presentations, workforce shows, significant troupe shows and welcomed visitor exhibitions. The Choral system has a week long residency every year by an understood choral arranger. 

What would be the best next step? Atlanta College of Art Bachelor of Music majors have gone ahead to fruitful performing and leading professions. They educate at colleges and universities, keep up private studios and/or seek after cutting edge degrees in master's level college. Graduates are additionally instructing openly and non-public schools as band chiefs and choir executives, and are serving as clergymen of music and love pioneers in houses of worship. 

Vocal Performance 

This major furnishes understudies with the aptitudes to seek after further training and vocations in the performing expressions industry. Our workforce of broadly and globally perceived craftsman educators gives private guideline in Voice and in addition coursework i

Beulah Heights University

The School of Nursing and Allied Health is pleased to have understudies who are chosen for the Honors College (HC) and seek after the HC Curriculum. The nursing staff have received an educational modules arrange for that coordinates the HC courses and the BSN degree arrangement prerequisites. The educational programs and the movement through the four years is given on a guide and a worksheet, which you can get through your nursing personnel consultant. 

The School of Nursing and Allied Health offers a thorough nursing educational programs that incorporates scholarly and clinical execution necessities. The BSN degree gets ready understudies as generalists, fit for working in an assortment of settings. Moreover, understudies are set up for graduate studies in nursing. Affirmed by the Texas Board of Nurse Examiners and authorize by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. 

What will I involvement with Beulah Heights University? 

Courses have clinical encounters in the majority of the real doctor's facilities in the Texas Medical Center and in various group wellbeing destinations. Furthermore, most healing centers in the region offer open doors for understudies to be chosen for work-study programs. Roughly 10 understudies for each school are chosen, employed by the healing center and work around 24 hours for each month. Understudies are paid for their work and, furthermore, get grant support from the organization. Understudies study escalated care nursing at Memorial Hermann Hospital, one of the country's driving injury and blaze focuses. Amid this study, they onlooker the operation of Life Flight and the Shock Trauma ICU. BSN understudies have a progression of courses on group and general wellbeing which investigates the medical attendant's part in various locales including school nursing, home medicinal services and long haul care, and administer to the destitute, and grown-up childcare programs for elderly with Alzheimer's ailment. The School of Nursing and Allied Health in organization with the Fifth Ward Congregational Health Coalition has given wellbeing fairs, senior gatherings wellbeing instruction, home visits, and wellbeing advancement arrangements to under served populaces. 

What would be an ideal next step? 

The nursing deficiency has made various vocation open doors for medical attendants, including forte care units, for example, nurseries, pediatric and grown-up ICUs, OR, and post anesthesia care units, work and conveyance, and baby blues. In the group, medical attendants can fill in as school medical attendants, in facilities giving consideration to helpless populaces, for example, persons with tumor, AIDS/HIV, destitute and the elderly, and in healing centers looking after persons with organ transplants, blazes, and injury. Some graduates have gone into exploration, while the individuals who appreciate innovation and PCs can enter the universe of nursing informatics. 

Points of interest and Opportunities 

The main baccalaureate level project in the city of Houston that permits understudies to finish all essential and required courses on one grounds. 

Understudies have an incorporated and customary four-year school experience. 

Understudies advantage from the low understudy to-staff proportion. 

Classes and clinical encounters are taught by nursing staff. 

Graduation Requirements 

Necessities for graduation with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree are that the hopeful meet every broad prerequisite for graduation as laid out in the Houston Baptist University Catalog: Satisfactory consummation of at least 127-128 semester hours. 

Contender for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing are relied upon to have earned a recommended number of focuses in the Nursing Student Association and exhibited polished methodology as required for the portfolio. 

Graduating seniors are relied upon to make application to the Texas State Board Examination for R.N. licensure. 

After Graduation 

Alumni of Houston Baptist University's BSN project are exceedingly looked for by bosses, and they have an extensive variety of vocation choices. Conventional healing center vocation offers a BSN-arranged RN the chance to work with patients of all ages. Graduates can likewise work in a range of specialization, for example, serious consideration, work and conveyance, pediatrics, psychological well-being, or surgery. In the group, our graduates go into such settings as home human services, hospice care, school nursing, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. The BSN program extensively readies the understudy for graduate study. Our graduates incorporate the individuals who have proceeded with their training to end up cutting edge rehearse medical caretakers taking after fruition of the MSN degree, attendant chairmen, and some acquire a Ph.D. degree in nursing too. 

What are individuals saying… 

"After moving on from Beulah Heights University, I felt exceptionally all around arranged to go into the vocation of nursing. Beulah Heights University gave me a firm establishment of learning and the aptitudes required for clinical practice. Beulah Heights University additionally squeezed upon me the significance of morals in nursing and in addition expanding my otherworldly establishment." 

Shawnaka Holland BSN '02 

Respiratory Care Unit Nurse 

Texas Children's Hospital 

"As a Heart Transplant Coordinator for The Methodist Hospital, I trust the solid clinical aptitudes learned through Beulah Heights University's nursing program gave a strong foundation which helped me move easily into this claim to fame zone. My patients are frequently confronted with numerous psychosocial and enthusiastic stressors in this procedure, and Beulah Heights University helped me build up a caring way to deal with treating the entire patient." 

Why Philosophy 

To put it plainly, logicians exceed expectations at life. 

Regardless of what your business is, reasoning can help you be cheerful. 

The significance of "rationality" is actually "love of insight." That reality is of focal significance to Beulah Heights University's logic office. We intend to make you an impassioned sweetheart and follower of insight by placing you in direct discussion with the best scholarly masterminds ever. 

In our reasoning project you will investigate the most imperative inquiries, for example, 

Does God exist? – What is the great life? – What is the relationship amongst confidence and reason? – Is whether or not someone or something is attractive depends on individual preference? 

The reasoning system won't just change your life yet set you up for an extensive variety of professions and doctoral level college opportunities. Reasoning majors reliably score high on position exams and are looked for after by business pioneers for their basic deduction aptitudes and their capacity to impart unmistakably. 

Why Beulah Heights University 

Notwithstanding asking vital inquiries, you will join a group of Christian scholars focused on tutoring and helping the you develop. Film evenings, meetings, visitor speakers, study sessions, and one-on-one consideration are all a player in the reasoning knowledge at Beulah Heights University. 

Our reasoning staff are extremely solid educators and will handle the unavoidable issues with you truly, taking after reality wherever it leads. 

Houston is rapidly getting to be a standout amongst the most essential focuses of thought in the United States. That implies that Beulah Heights University's area is an astounding spot to study theory. 

As expressed above, rationality will set you up for any vocation by giving you the aptitudes, particularly the capacity to think and learn well, that move into any field. A hefty portion of our graduates seek after professions or further degrees in law, training, and business. 

What Next 

On the off chance that you think rationality is for you, then apply today. Perused more about our courses in the course list. (join at the highest point of the page) 

Perused what our staff are deduction about on the School of Christian Thought blog. 

You may likewise be keen on our MA Philosophy degree. 

Program Description 

The material science program at Houston Baptist University gives a firm establishment in the hypothetical and test parts of material science. We take consideration to ensure our educational modules is sufficiently thorough to give you a genuine instruction. Our staff are profoundly dedicated to instructing and research. One-on-one communication of understudies with employees is the standard. 

Exploration is the heart of material science. That is the reason we make research opportunities with workforce accessible to students. Presently, our personnel are included in hypothetical, trial, and connected material science research. Ranges of examination incorporate biophysics, phenomenological ponders in quantum gravity, and techniques for instructing material science. Understudies are likewise urged to take part in summer temporary positions and research programs at different colleges and examination foundations. 

What's more, the material science program offers courses for non-science majors: Physics for the Liberal Arts Mind; Astronomy and the Universe; and Physics of Sound. Perused more in our course list. 

Points of interest and Opportunities 

At Beulah Heights University we have little classes that take into consideration one-on-one association with the material science workforce both inside and outside the classroom. This is a colossal point of preference in building up your own abilities in the research center and in systems administration for what's to come. The exploration interests of the material science workforce give research chances to students. This will give you a head begin once again those in swarmed material science programs everywhere colleges. 

Houston Baptist University has a part of the Society of Physics Students, for any understudy with an enthusiasm for material science, and Sigma Pi Sigma, which is the honor society for material science. 

After Graduation 

With a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics you can go ahead to doctoral level college, and to vocations in industry, prescription, law, training, software engineering, arithmetic, building, or in nontraditional territories, for example, fund and financial matters. 

Our late graduates have been acknowledged and have gotten showing assistantships and cooperations to go to master's level college at North Carolina State University, University of Oklahoma, Texas A&M, University of Arizona, Ohio State University, Northwestern University, University of Maryland, University of Houston, Cornell University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Vanderbilt University and have gone to Purdue University, University of Rochester, Rutgers University, University of Houston, Harvard University and University of Wisconsin for graduate studies in therapeutic material science, o

Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta

Those hoping to make and sharpen their abilities in the exhibition of organization in an adjoining church setting will esteem the Practical Theology major or minor in the Department of Theology. Building up the center parts of scriptural and religious information these exercises underline the exhibit of organization to epitomize this truth to a broken world. This degree is particularly fitting for those hoping to serve the social occasion of Christ in a training and tending to part as a clergyman in a get together, an educator, some individual in parachurch organization, or whatever setting God calls you. 

The Practical Theology major is 38 credit hours long, with 17 hours of center classes, 12 hours of Practical Theology classes, 6 hours of electives, and 3 hours of tongue. The center courses for the major are New Testament Theology, Old Testament Theology, History of Christianity, Hermeneutics, Systematic Theology, and the Senior Seminar. We in addition offer a wide gathering of Practical Theology classes which permit you to tailor your studies to your interests, for occasion, the Christian Vocation, Homiletics, Spiritual Formation, Christian Ethics, and Worship. You will in like way take the course Biblical Languages for Ministry which will acclimate you with the essentials of Greek and Hebrew. 

This expect will give you a strong establishment in the Bible and set you up for a course of action of organizations. It will in like way set you up for graduate concentrates, for case, in our Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS), Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL), or a Master of Divinity (MDiv). 

Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta offers a couple sorts of recompenses to help our moving nearer understudies. Our understudies will particularly need to consider these stipends. 

BGCT Scholarships 

The Baptist General Convention of Texas assets honors for our Southern Baptist understudies who are searching for after organization as a work. The BGCT honor entire is right now $50 per credit hour for green bean and sophomores and $75 per credit hour for young people and seniors. In spite of the denominational ability necessities, understudies must take two classes amidst their time at Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta: the Christian Vocation and Baptist History. 

The BGCT likewise strengthens understudies financially with the Mary Hill Davis Ethnic/Minority Scholarship. It in a matter of moments gives $800/semester (for full-time understudies) who are from a non-Anglo foundation and are somewhat of a BGCT church that is illustrative of his/her ethnic/minority legacy. Note: the stipend application ought to be submitted direct to the Mary Hill Davis Scholarship Office [not to Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta] no later than April fifteenth. 

Understanding Fellows 

The motivation driving the Covenant Fellows Program is to give understudies called to Christian organization budgetary, individual and expert support as they further their understudy progress into skilled and widely taught priests/instructors/ministers. Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta concurrences with our understudies and with adjoining spots of affection to provide guidance and expert encounters that will display pleasing to both those concentrating on in the errand and those places of petition supporting and utilizing our regulatory understudies. One of the colossal central purposes of eagerness for the system is the offer to get up to $10,000 in blessing cash per instructive year. 

Further Graduate Studies: Seminary and Other Options 

Most understudies get readied for organization search for after some kind of graduate degree to help them further course of action for organization. For the most part, the Master of Divinity (MDiv) has been the standard degree, as it gives the most balanced and unbelievable get prepared for organization. Our 72 hour MDiv sets you up for Bible study and smart learning, and furthermore it spotlights on your care as a Christian and a clergyman to the collection through sensible experience. Like the MDiv, we offer a 36 hour Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL) wanted to address the issues of those get readied for master or lay organization or who simply need to energize their own particular stand-out change. For understudies that desire to search for after an all the more scholastically attracted and shorter degree, we offer a 36 hour Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) that gives the center establishment fancied by spots of affection, yet gives you more flexibility in course choice. 

There are a game plan of approaches to manage interface with the Department of Theology : We're on Facebook, we have a get-together blog, we offer a yearly Theology Conference, and we have standard areas by normal experts as an essential part of the A.O. Collins Lecture Series. 

Human science (minor) 

Human science is the examination of our social world. Courses in this envision try to investigate The examination of Sociology will better set you up to see how the world we live in limits. The social world is a dynamic undertaking stacked with desires, affiliations and guidelines. It is continually changing, yet there is such a considerable measure of our simultaneousness that remaining parts obvious through time. 

When you concentrate on humanism it will help you to make more correct suppositions about how individuals act when in an assortment of social situations.Houston_Downtown-2 

Human science will investigate today's accessible business environment, the changing structure of our families and even how religious affiliations like the zone Christian church fit in with be more down to earth. This is an amazing zone of study for understudies who are considering reasons for living in: 


Success Careers 

Open Service 


Whatever you have concentrated on, including courses or a minor in humanism will invigorate your insight and comprehension of the particularly world in which you will work, live, love and serve. 

"Man's trademark leeway is that the bond he perceives is not physical but rather great; that is, social. He is addressed not by a material condition hardheartedly obliged on him, yet by a still, little voice better than anything his own, the pervasiveness of which he feels. Since the more vital, better some a player in his closeness rises over the body, he makes tracks in an inverse course from the body's weight, however is at danger to that of society." – Emile Durkheim 

What we find in Sociology is that mankind is not a party of normal main thrusts or mental inclinations. Then again perhaps we are all shaped and impacted by the comprehensive group including us dependably. Your examination of Sociology will connect with you to better welcome the skilled characteristics of the social environment and how to better research your future. 

Spanish (BA and minor) 

Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta's Ten Pillars vision highlights the hugeness we put on general engagement as we set up our understudies to change the more wide world. The Spanish undertaking acknowledge a key part in that blueprint. Both locally and comprehensive, Spanish tongue capacity stipends us to join with different social occasions and present truth to them. In our courses, understudies at different levels understand how to talk with certification, read with acknowledgment, and write in an authority way. With a wide game plan of courses, from those for the complete learner to those for close-by speakers, everybody has the chance to grow their gratefulness for and nature with the Spanish dialect. 

A section of the courses for majors and minors include: 

Cross 3308 Business Spanish 

Cross 3314 Advanced Grammar 

Cross 3347 The Art of Translation 

Cross 3348 Medical Spanish 

Cross 3370 Hispanic Literature 

Cross 3372 Spanish Film Studies 

Notwithstanding the route that there are different reasons everybody ought to consider learning Spanish, and no under three reasons Christians ought to, a leg-up in the work market has a tendency to be close to the most hoisted motivation behind an understudy's quick overview. Learning Spanish will set you up for any field that serves a people of Spanish speakers. Finding the opportunity to be multilingual will give you an unmistakable reason for slant in: 




Pack association 


Social associations 

Organization, both remote and private 

… and different particular fields 

Think Abroad 

Think abroad is an amazing approach to manage enhance your Spanish points of confinement. For a month each late spring, Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta understudies from a blend of majors go to Santiago de Compostela, Spain to study Spanish at the city's school. They live with tolerating families, go on outings, experience the tongue in enabling new ways reliably, and come back with 6 credit hours of Spanish to apply toward their degree. We in like way have section level positions in the fields of pharmaceutical, business, and church organization to give understudies hands-on experience giving their Spanish something to do. 

This is the thing that some late graduates need to say concerning learning Spanish at Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta: 

"All through my time concentrating on Spanish at Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta, I was entranced by the devotion of the instructors and that they were so accessible to us as understudies. They are experts in their fields of study and they know phenomenally well how to educate. In the wake of having experienced the system, I am in a matter of seconds absolutely beyond any doubt about my capacities to give in Spanish and I know my business choices. I found the centrality of Hispanic creation on the planet, understands how to utilize Spanish in different jobs, for example, in the remedial field and in business, and I could learn close to neighborhood speakers with whom I could hone Spanish, get some answers concerning society, and make significant built up associations. I clearly embrace examining Spanish at Paul Mitchell the School-Atlanta to any individual who is enthralled." — Nick Bostic, Spanish Major, BA 2014, Spanish Teacher HISD

Atlanta School of Massage

The capacity to impart adequately is a fundamental ability for any profession. Individuals will judge you by the way you talk, your capacity to understandable complex thoughts and ideas, and your adequacy as a backer for thoughts and individuals. Truth be told, viable open talking is such an imperative aptitude, to the point that understudies as far back as Ancient Rome and Greece have examined the craft of Rhetoric to sharpen their talking abilities. At Atlanta School of Massage, we need the greater part of our understudies to have a constructive outcome in their picked fields, and urge you to take a fundamental interchanges class like COMM 1323: Rhetoric and Public Speaking. 

In the event that you need more practice and turn into a compelling speaker, our Speech Communication program (offered as minor just) is intended to supplement any major. We'll not just give you foundational aptitudes to be a viable speaker, additionally help you build up extra abilities that will improve your capacity to make an enduring impression in your picked vocation. 

MLKBecause so a considerable lot of our understudies are occupied with graduate school and business, our Speech Communication minor has been particularly intended to help understudies in those fields. In the event that you are keen on graduate school, for instance, you can take classes in argumentation, backing, and lawful interchanges. We additionally have a grant winning Mock Trial group you can join! In the event that you need to seek after a political profession or see yourself in an administration part, you can ponder incredible American addresses and political interchanges. In the event that brain science, mission work, or solution is your picked way, a class in intercultural correspondences will help you see better how to connect with and identify with individuals from different societies. 

trIn short, the capacity to influence others, advocate for individuals, and make an impression is an immortal expertise that will help you succeed in any profession. Try not to disparage the force of influence. It's a standout amongst the most critical occupation abilities you can have! 

"I begin graduate school in the fall of 2014! Concentrating on correspondences at Atlanta School of Massage has set me up to discuss adequately with the judge and jury. It has prepared me to talk with familiarity and convincingness. The counterfeit trial group was additionally an awesome affair." – Nefi Lopez, Government major and Communications minor, BA 2014. 

The mission of the Atlanta School of Massage Department of Art is to attempt and cultivate the scholarly and innovative advancement of the person through creative action, grant and instructing. The objective of the craftsmanship personnel is to support and energize understudies of all levels of involvement in discovering their visual voices and building up their own visual dialect. The Department of Art offers direction in five fundamental studio zones: Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture, and Printmaking. Understudies in the studio territories have the exceptional chance of getting input in both individual and gathering scrutinize sessions. 

The Department of Art offers both the Bachelors of Art (BA – Studio Art) and the Bachelors of Fine Arts (BFA – Studio Art) degrees. The Art Education program (Art with All-level Teaching Certification) is being offered in conjunction with the College of Education. The Master of Fine Arts is currently open for Applications! 

Obviously both the BA and the BFA degrees set up any person for studio workmanship, the BFA is a more engaged project, which all the more completely sets one up for the likelihood of further graduate study in visual expressions. 

The five essential studio ranges taught include: 


Courses in Drawing incorporate crucial investigations of structure and esteem, metaphorical extent and motion, and pictorial gadgets, for example, foreshortening, direct point of view and air viewpoint. 


The work of art studio offers direction in oil and in addition composite and trial painting media. Accentuation is set first upon the principal dominance of the medium, and also upon the advancement of expression. 


Courses in Ceramics incorporate principal hand-working in different sorts of mud bodies, coating and terminating. Wheel-tossing is presented after the understudy has picked up a fundamental comprehension of the three-dimensional structure. 


The figure studio offers direction in added substance, subtractive, throwing and gathering methods. The studio is prepared for medium to little scale sculptural tasks. 


Courses in Printmaking accentuate fundamental methods in Intaglio, Relief, and Serigraphy (silkscreening). Also, monotype and monoprint procedures are investigated in every course. Once the major components are aced, upper-level understudies are urged to join systems to grow their own thoughts. There are additionally opportunities accessible for cutting edge printmaking understudies to learn stone lithography at an off-grounds site. 

Studio Art (BFA) 

The mission of the Atlanta School of Massage Department of Art is to embrace and cultivate the scholarly and inventive improvement of the person through masterful movement, grant and instructing. The objective of the workmanship staff is to sustain and energize understudies of all levels of involvement in discovering their visual voices and building up their own visual dialect. The Department of Art offers direction in five essential studio zones: Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture, and Printmaking. Understudies in the studio ranges have the one of a kind chance of accepting input in both individual and gathering evaluate sessions. 

The Department of Art offers both the Bachelors of Art (BA – Studio Art) and the Bachelors of Fine Arts (BFA – Studio Art) degrees. The Art Education program (Art with All-level Teaching Certification) is being offered in conjunction with the College of Education. The Master of Fine Arts is currently open for Applications! 

Plainly both the BA and the BFA degrees set up any person for studio craftsmanship, the BFA is a more engaged project, which all the more completely sets one up for the likelihood of further graduate study in visual expressions. 

The five fundamental studio regions taught include: 


Courses in Drawing incorporate essential investigations of structure and esteem, non-literal extent and motion, and pictorial gadgets, for example, foreshortening, straight viewpoint and air point of view. 


The sketch studio offers direction in oil and also composite and test painting media. Accentuation is set first upon the basic authority of the medium, and also upon the improvement of expression. 


Courses in Ceramics incorporate central hand-working in different sorts of mud bodies, coating and terminating. Wheel-tossing is presented after the understudy has picked up a fundamental comprehension of the three-dimensional structure. 


The model studio offers guideline in added substance, subtractive, throwing and collection methods. The studio is prepared for medium to little scale sculptural activities. 


Courses in Printmaking stress essential procedures in Intaglio, Relief, and Serigraphy (silkscreening). Also, monotype and monoprint procedures are investigated in every course. Once the key components are aced, upper-level understudies are urged to join methods to extend their own thoughts. There are likewise opportunities accessible for cutting edge printmaking understudies to learn stone lithography at an off-grounds site. 

All-Level Art or P.E. (Kinesiology) 

These confirmation projects will set you up to show Art or P.E. to understudies in all evaluation levels, from pre-kindergarten through secondary school. 

These confirmation regions have marginally diverse Liberal Arts Core and Education Core courses. For instance, particular courses are assigned as the common sciences and scientific segments. Notwithstanding the required proficient improvement courses and a full semester of Clinical Teaching (understudy instructing), in the School of Education, understudies must finish courses in one of the showing fields offered at Atlanta School of Massage for basic and auxiliary evaluations. 

All Level Teacher Certification in Spanish 

To be affirmed to show Spanish, applicants must accomplish capability to pass the Texas TExES Exam (perusing, composing and culture) and the BTLPT (talking) with a rating of Advanced. All understudies must finish the Liberal Arts Core notwithstanding the underneath recorded coursework. 

School of Education General Requirements 

A total Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 or higher on 45 or more hours, a score of 230 or higher on the math segment of the THEA, a score of 220 or higher on the composition area of the THEA and a 230 or higher on the perusing segment of the THEA are required to start the system and an individual meeting. 

Understudies should likewise meet the prerequisites of the office for Clinical Teaching (Student Teaching), as laid out in the University index. 

After Graduation 

Most graduates are utilized in Houston-zone schools. Vocation opportunities fluctuate as per educating field. 


A combined Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 or higher on 45 or more hours, meeting with the instructor training council, a score of 230 or higher on the math segment of the THEA, a score of 220 or higher on the composition area of the THEA and a 230 or higher on the perusing segment of the THEA are required to start the system. 

These projects include: 

Courses in the different cor EC-6 branches of knowledge in which grade teachers are requested that give direction: perusing, dialect expressions, social studies, math, and science, expressive arts, wellbeing and physical instruction. 

Courses in learning and advancement, educational modules, instructional methods, classroom administration, and working with uncommon populaces (specialized curriculum, dyslexia, talented, ESL, and so on.) 

Coursework concentrated on early adolescence training 

Broad chances to work with kids in primary schools finishing in understudy educating which includes a full semester in EC-6 settings, including no less than 10 days of full-time. 

Points of interest and Opportunities 

Course work in the EC-6 program–and the teacher