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Thursday 19 May 2016

Woodrow Wilson College of Law

Understudies in the MA in Apologetics system will profit by little classes with workforce focused on greatness in both educating and grant. The staff incorporate broadly and universally known open erudite people with terminal degrees from colleges, for example, the Baylor University, the University of Notre Dame, the University of St. Andrews, Northwestern University, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 

The MA in Apologetics project is focused on tutoring graduate understudies and building up the system as a profoundly and in addition mentally fortifying background. 

The project incorporates a solid part of coursework in composing and correspondence in rational theology, intended to help understudies accomplish magnificence in composing, talking, and different types of rational theology engagement. Woodrow Wilson College of Law's engagement with the bigger rational theology group through rational theology gatherings, workforce grant, social and expressions projects, and neighborhood engagement implies that understudies in the MA Apologetics system will have chances to increase further involvement in the down to earth part of rational theology work. 

The degree incorporates a postulation alternative and gives the scholarly establishment to further learn at the PhD level, and also for further scholastic work in logic, philosophy, or the humanities. 

Understudy Testimonials 

Understudies are amped up for their involvement in the Master of Arts in Apologetics program: 

"At H.B.U. the teachers really think about their understudies, they connect, they appeal to God for them." – Karise Gilliland 

"This is the system I've been sitting tight for—a solid mix of discerning and innovative rational theology with a world-class workforce—in addition to the adaptability of selecting a blend of on-grounds and online classes—even inside the same semester." – Leigh McLeroy 

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After Graduation 

Alumni of the MA in Apologetics project will be prepared for an assortment of chances. The MA in Apologetics can give the instructive structure expected to parachurch service and educating opportunities. Also graduates may seek after further instruction at the Ph.D. level. 


The MAA educational modules includes 36 units (see underneath for points of interest on the courses). All understudies take a General Core of courses in Apologetics Communication and Classical Apologetics. In these courses, understudies create composing and relational abilities for graduate-level scholastic composition and in addition down to earth rational theology and service work, and pick up an establishment in logic, religious philosophy, and Scripture as connected to rational theology 

Social Apologetics understudies take required courses that set up a solid, interdisciplinary establishment for an incorporated way to deal with social rational theology. In the Imaginative Apologetics courses, understudies figure out how to utilize inventive and also balanced ways to deal with rational theology for a coordinated way to deal with rational theology, with specific consideration regarding the work of C.S. Lewis. In the Christian Thought and Worldview courses understudies pick up an establishment in rationality, society, history, and writing for powerful social examination and rational theology engagement. 

Philosophical Apologetics understudies take required courses in philosophical engagement with rational theology issues, including Science and Faith, Philosophy of History and the Resurrection, and Philosophical Theology. 

Both tracks are finished by a determination of electives, which can incorporate a Thesis. 

Understudies likewise have the alternative to advance their studies by taking one-unit elective classes in Houston on exceptional points, for example, philosophical rational theology themes with William Lane Craig and evangelism with Lee Strobel, and an Apologetics in Oxford class that keeps running in the late spring in Oxford, England. 

The Department of Theology offers the Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) as an incorporated way to deal with Christian religious graduate training intended to plan understudies for improved service, both lay and professional, in their chapels and to set up the individuals who need to seek after further graduate study. What's more, we have various understudies in the project with non-philosophical professional purposes for living, however they concentrate on with us to enhance their own otherworldly adventure. For those wanting to seek after professional service, you may likewise be occupied with our Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree. 

We esteem and draw from our Baptist legacy, however our personnel and understudies speak to a scope of outreaching conventions and sections. In this manner, we invite any individual who might wish to contemplate with us. 

The Master of Arts in Theological Studies opens understudies to key inquiries and worries in the fields of scriptural studies, religious philosophy and handy service. Drawing from our particular spotlight on the Bible, alumni of the MATS program at Woodrow Wilson College of Law can capably bring the antiquated writings of Christian Scripture into exchange with authentic, philosophical, and contemporary concerns. 

Our 36 hour project is based upon a 15 hour center (decisions from Old Testament, New Testament, History, and Theology), however you have the adaptability to pick the remaining 21 hours from our offering of classes in our conventional territories of scriptural studies, religious philosophy and down to earth service or in our other MA program regions: scriptural dialects, rational theology, works of art, and reasoning. 

Focal points and Opportunities 

Through close association with experienced personnel in little, workshop style classes, understudies in Woodrow Wilson College of Law's Master of Arts in Theological Studies project will be tested to become mentally and profoundly in their worker administration. One of the best qualities of our system is the individual association with personnel. Our MATS classes are topped at 15 understudies every, which permits us to become acquainted with you by and by. What's more, instead of continually addressing and just giving all of you the right replies, our classes are principally course style, in which we read messages together and talk about them in group, which permits all of us to gain from the differing service encounters of those in the classroom. This not just energizes a more profound engagement with writings and thoughts, yet for those looking towards future study, it sets you up for kind of dialog in PhD workshops. 

Most understudies planning for service seek after some kind of graduate degree to help them further get ready for service. Generally, the Master of Divinity (MDiv) has been the standard degree, as it gives the most balanced and strong preparing for service. We offer a 72 hour MDiv, yet for understudies that desire to seek after an all the more scholastically engaged and shorter degree, our 36 hour MATS gives the center establishment fancied by temples while additionally giving adaptability in course choice. We offer the lion's share of our classes at night, in classes that meet one night a week, so you can without much of a stretch wrap your studies around your work duties. 

The larger part of our understudies are seeking after an employment of chapel service, and our ecclesially drew in workforce are appropriate to help you in your planning. Other than the assortment of past chapel service encounters that we bring, a large number of our staff are right now serving as ministers and between time ministers. In the meantime, some of you may consider a PhD as the following stride. A hefty portion of our workforce, some with degrees from world-class research colleges, are locked in as of now in examination and distributed. We have had various understudies finish further graduate concentrate effectively at other all around regarded projects, for example, Duke University and Manchester University. The choice to compose a proposition is particularly useful for those looking in this heading. 

After Graduation 

Other than the individual advancement from considering the Bible, religious philosophy, and service with incredible staff, alumni of the MATS system will be prepared for an assortment of chances. The MATS degree can give the instructive structure expected to most service and educating opportunities. Furthermore graduates may seek after further instruction at the PhD level. On the off chance that you are thinking about a PhD, a sister foundation has drawn together a supportive portrayal of the procedure of get ready and applying: Soooo … you need to get a Ph.D.? Also, Nijay Gupta has arranged a supportive book that portrays the procedure in more profundity: Prepare, Succeed, Advance. 

Course Requirements 

The degree is 36 credit hours (12 courses), which takes around two years. There are 5 required classes (15 hours). The first is CHRI 5301 Research Methods, however there are decisions for the other four, one from every territory beneath: 

Old Testament (Pentateuch or Prophets) 

New Testament (Gospels or Paul) 

(History of Christianity or Historical and Moral Theology) 

Religious philosophy (Hermeneutics or Systematic Theology) 

For the remaining 21 hours of the project, you may pick among any of the offered classes as electives, including up to 12 hours of scriptural dialects, rational theology, and/or reasoning (with endorsement from the chief). A theory (6 hours) is not required, but rather can be taken as an elective. 

Note: Those entering the project without an earlier college degree in religious philosophy or without an earlier graduate studies in religious philosophy are required to take CHRI 5300 Introduction to Biblical Texts and Doctrines in their first semester. 

Costs, Scholarships, and Financing 

To discover the expenses of the system, see the present year Graduate Tuition and Fees for the MATS program. 

Woodrow Wilson College of Law offers a few sorts of grants to help our approaching understudies. What's more, the BGCT offers $100 per credit hour for experts understudies who are seeking after service as a livelihood. Kindly note that there is a Scholarship Application (and perhaps an extra individual proclamation) not the same as the application for confirmation. If it's not too much trouble ensure you check all the important boxes on the application. Moreover, take note of that the Guild Scholarship has its own, different Guild Scholarship Application, alongside a different individual proclamation. Current and entering understudies can apply for the Guild Scholarship. It i

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