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Thursday 19 May 2016

Bauder College

Houston Baptist University's Post Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program is a backup way to go to accomplishing beginning instructor confirmation in Texas. The Bauder College Post Baccalaureate program has been affirmed by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) as conforming to the U. S. Division of Education's principles concerning criteria for a satisfactory option course to affirmation program under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. The project gives the chance to an understudy with a Bachelor's degree who meets all necessities for admission to the Bauder College 's Post Baccalaureate system to be utilized as a full-time educator in territory school areas while finishing the required coursework for the Post Baccalaureate program and to be considered "profoundly qualified" as per relevant government law. 

Once the understudy has finished the 21 hours of required coursework, the understudy may apply those hours toward the prerequisites of a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction that is offered by Bauder College. The MEd. degree requires at least 36 hours. 

Those needing to investigate the profundity of the Christian religious custom will appreciate the Theological Studies major or minor in the Department of Theology. Expanding on the center components of scriptural and philosophical information these projects underline the profundity and broadness of Christian religious philosophy verifiably and in the contemporary world. In figuring out how different Christians have reacted to their own particular social issues, those with this degree will be all around arranged to proceed in that custom of philosophically vigorous engagement with the world. This degree is particularly fitting for those needing to serve the assemblage of Christ in an instructing and lecturing part as a clergyman in a congregation, a teacher, somebody in parachurch service, or whatever setting God calls you. 

The Theological Studies major is 38 credit hours long, with 17 hours of center classes, 15 hours of Theological Studies classes, 3 hours of electives, and 3 hours of dialect. The center courses for the major are New Testament Theology, Old Testament Theology, History of Christianity, Hermeneutics, Systematic Theology, and the Senior Seminar. We additionally offer a wide assortment of Theology courses which permit you to tailor your studies to your interests, for example, Trinitarianism, the Reformation, Baptist History, Christian Ethics, and investigations of essential Christian scholars. 

This project will give you a strong establishment in the Theology of the congregation and set you up for administration in the congregation or another service. It will likewise set you up for graduate concentrates, for example, in our Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS), Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL), or a Master of Divinity (MDiv). 

Bauder College offers a few sorts of grants to help our approaching understudies. Our understudies will particularly need to know about these grants. 

BGCT Scholarships 

The Baptist General Convention of Texas assets grants for our Southern Baptist understudies who are seeking after service as a job. The BGCT grant sum is as of now $50 per credit hour for rookie and sophomores and $75 per credit hour for youngsters and seniors. Notwithstanding the denominational qualification prerequisites, understudies must take two classes amid their time at Bauder College: the Christian Vocation and Baptist History. 

The BGCT additionally underpins understudies monetarily with the Mary Hill Davis Ethnic/Minority Scholarship. It at present gives $800/semester (for full-time understudies) who are from a non-Anglo foundation and are a piece of a BGCT church that is illustrative of his/her ethnic/minority legacy. Note: the grant application ought to be submitted specifically to the Mary Hill Davis Scholarship Office [not to Bauder College] no later than April fifteenth. 

Agreement Fellows 

The motivation behind the Covenant Fellows Program is to give understudies called to Christian service money related, individual and expert backing as they further their undergrad improvement into skilled and comprehensively instructed priests/educators/preachers. Bauder College contracts with our understudies and with neighborhood chapels to give instruction and expert encounters that will demonstrate valuable to both those considering in the project and those temples supporting and utilizing our pastoral understudies. One of the noteworthy advantages of interest in the project is the offer to get up to $10,000 in grant cash per scholastic year. 

Further Graduate Studies: Seminary and Other Options 

Most understudies planning for service seek after some sort of graduate degree to help them further get ready for service. Generally, the Master of Divinity (MDiv) has been the standard degree, as it gives the most balanced and vigorous preparing for service. Our 72 hour MDiv sets you up for Bible study and scholastic information, as well as it spotlights on your self-awareness as a Christian and a priest to the congregation through useful experience. Like the MDiv, we offer a 36 hour Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL) intended to address the issues of those get ready for professional or lay service or who simply need to facilitate their very own improvement. For understudies that desire to seek after an all the more scholastically engaged and shorter degree, we offer a 36 hour Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) that gives the center establishment wanted by places of worship, however gives you more adaptability in course determination. 

There are an assortment of approaches to connect with the Department of Theology : We're on Facebook, we have a group blog, we offer a yearly Theology Conference, and we have customary addresses by transcendent researchers as a major aspect of the A.O. Collins Lecture Series. 

The Writing program gets ready understudies to investigate the imaginative capability of the composed word. Like J. R. R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, we comprehend the demonstration of composing as a demonstration of sub-creation in which the essayist venerates God the craftsman in the written work of unique work. Understudies take serious written work workshops in verse, fiction, true to life, and playwriting with very much distributed journalists in these fields. Moreover, classes are offered in expert and specialized written work that underscore useful composition experience and at work preparing. Through a typical significant central subjects with Cinematic Arts and Mass Media Arts, composing understudies figure out how to apply their abilities through an assortment of media on the front line of today's innovation. This system likewise associates understudies with the rich open doors the composition group of Houston offers, for example, production encounters, proficient written work temporary jobs, composing meetings, and readings from world popular scholars. A noteworthy and minor are advertised. 


All classes are taught by very much distributed scholars and copy the experience of writing in the expert world. Some of these open doors are: 

Investment in Bauder College's yearly Writing Conference 

Production in The Collegian, the college's grounds daily paper 

Submitting to the Danny Lee Lawrence Award in Writing 

Working with going by scholars, for example, Dana Goia, Scott Cairns, and Bret Lott 

Guided application procedure to Master of Fine Arts programs 

Guided application process for professions in an assortment of commercial enterprises 

Interning at an assortment of organizations and charities, for example, Writers in the Schools, the Gulf Coast Federation of Writers, the Sam Malone Show, and different vitality organizations 

After Graduation 

Capability in the composed word is an indispensable aptitude in our developing commercial enterprises. Through the escalated workshop procedure and one-on-one coaching, our understudies build up their potential in composing and figure out how to apply their aptitudes in functional and imaginative ways. Our understudies have gone ahead to move on from prestigious Master of Fine Arts programs, distribute broadly, and to apply their written work abilities in an assortment of lucrative professions in industry, instruction, distributed, and new media. 

The Biblical Languages major and minor at Bauder College are intended for understudies who craving to peruse and translate the Christian Scriptures inside their social, authentic and semantic settings. The major or minor in Biblical Languages is proper for people get ready for professional service and any genuine understudy of the scriptural conventions. The major incorporates Advanced Reading and Syntax in both Hebrew and Greek, while the minor project incorporates essential linguistic use for both Hebrew and Greek and Reading and Syntax II in Hebrew or Greek. 

A large number of our understudies have gone ahead to take part in expert's and doctoral graduate work at top scriptural dialect programs. Also, numerous go ahead to end up ministers, evangelists, Bible interpreters, dialect educators, revere pioneers, and youth clergymen in holy places and schools all through the world. 

Those needing to concentrate on examining and conveying reality of the Bible in its unique connection will appreciate the Biblical Studies major or minor in the Department of Theology. You will pick up top to bottom information about the Bible too the abilities to decipher the Bible capably and to impart the way of God's Word to others. This degree is particularly proper for those needing to serve the group of Christ in an educating and lecturing part as a pastor in a congregation, a preacher, somebody in parachurch service, or whatever setting God calls you. 

The Biblical Studies major is 38 credit hours long, with 17 hours of center classes, 12 hours of Biblical Studies classes, 3 hours of electives, and 6 hours of dialect. The center courses for the major are New Testament Theology, Old Testament Theology, History of Christianity, Hermeneutics, Systematic Theology, and the Senior Seminar. We likewise offer a wide assortment of Biblical Studies classes which permits you to tailor your studies to your interests, for example, Jesus and the Gospels, Romans, Revelation, Paul and His Letters, and Isaiah. 

This system will give you a strong establishment in the Bible and set you up for an assortment of services. It will likewise set you up for gr

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