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Thursday 19 May 2016

Brown College of Court Reporting

The MAC program gets ready understudies for professions in directing related fields by offering propelled readiness in guiding, testing, and research techniques. The system additionally incorporates fulfillment of a practicum comprising of at least 450 check hours in a University-affirmed guiding setting under the supervision of an authorized clinician or authorized proficient instructor boss (LPC-S). Graduates go ahead to work in an assortment of settings, including private practices, colleges, facilities and healing centers. Different graduates have finished doctoral study in brain science at driving examination colleges the nation over. 

Alumni of this project are qualified to apply for licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the condition of Texas. Before turning into a LPC, graduates need to pass the National Counselor Exam, Texas Jurisprudence Exam, and complete a 3000 hour entry level position under the supervision of a LPC-S. 


This degree system is 49 hours of graduate coursework. Understudies must keep up a base GPA of 3.0, finish all courses with an evaluation of "C" or higher, be admitted to appointment, and acceptably finish an oral exhaustive examination. 

*Additional Application Requirements* 

As per best practices in the field of brain research/guiding, candidates who meet the necessities determined by the doctoral level college will be welcome to an in-individual meeting. These meetings are regularly held about once every month and may take up to 4 hours contingent upon the candidate pool. Meeting spaces are restricted and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve premise; consequently, we urge you to apply early. We remind you to turn in your application before the due date set for the semester to which you are applying. 

Snap to view DEGREE PLAN 

Focal points and Opportunities 

Graduates go ahead to work in an assortment of settings, including private practices, colleges, centers and doctor's facilities. Different graduates have finished doctoral study in brain science at driving examination colleges the nation over. 

Main Ten Reasons to Attend Brown College of Court Reporting's MAC Programs 

100% pass rate on National Counselor's Exam on the primary endeavor for a long time running. 

Each course in our project is intended particularly to create profoundly gifted proficient advocates. 

Don't simply find out about exploration like in numerous directing projects – complete a satisfactory/publishable examination venture on the off chance that you decide to! 

Committed full time workforce who really have faith in the open entryway strategy. 

Extensive variety of extra workforce whose day-employments are rehearsing in the fields our understudies need to join – moment systems administration and genuine encounters to share. 

Practicum locales over the city and over the range of conceivable professions (e.g., houses of worship, private practices, doctor's facilities, detainment facilities, group emotional well-being, guiding focuses). 

On the other hand make your own practicum! 

Little classes – 5-25 understudies – so there's dependably time and space for us to organize your learning. 

Classes are offered in the nighttimes, to suit all day specialists. 

You're never only a number – each understudy is separately prompted and independently esteemed! 

Expert of Arts in Philosophy (MAPhil) 

Program Description 

The mission of the Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPhil) is to create understudies who are fit for serving their group and the Church effectively in an assortment of jobs, including scholastic, parachurch, and ministerial callings. The MAPhil degree is expected to offer understudies preparing in the basic and philosophical aptitudes that are valuable for their further scholastic study furthermore for their development as supporters of God. MAPhil graduates may proceed with their instruction at the doctoral level. 

Furthermore, the MAPhil program contains a Certificate of Apologetics. The coursework for the testament is 18 hours and covers with the MAPhil educational modules while likewise containing electives for those wishing to concentrate on rational theology. An understudy can finish the testament while in the MAPhil program or simply seek after the declaration. 

At long last, there is an alternative to finish an examination track as a component of the project. This track is perfect for understudies who longing to compose a theory and utilize that as the premise for further graduate work in reasoning. 

Focal points and Opportunities 

The personnel of in the MAPhil project are astounding instructors and broadly known researchers. Workforce have accomplished terminal degrees from the University of Notre Dame, St. Louis University, University of California-Riverside, Baylor University and Northwestern University. A specific quality of the system is in rational theology, astute configuration, and theory of religion. In the MAPhil program you will be in little classes with a portion of the main open erudite people in Christian reasoning and rational theology. 

The Philosophy Department at Brown College of Court Reporting likewise has a national rationality meeting each year. The previous two years the topics have been Virtue Ethics and Epistemology, and Divine and Human Agency and Action. 

After Graduation 

Alumni of the MPhil system will be all around situated for an assortment of chances. The MAPhil can give the instructive structure expected to parachurch service or educating opportunities. Furthermore graduates may seek after further graduation instruction in reasoning at the PhD level or utilize their rationality foundation to seek after and training in philosophy or law. 

The Master of Arts in Psychology (MAP) contains 3 separate choices to address the issues of understudies through an assortment of various projects. Understudies can browse the accompanying alternatives: 

Expert of Arts in Psychology-General (37 hours) 

Expert or Arts in Psychology: Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (60 hours) 

Expert of Arts in Psychology: LSSP Respecialization – Brown College of Court 

Expert of Arts in Psychology Program Overview 

The Master of Arts in Psychology-General serves three general gatherings: 

understudies who wish to procure information in brain science to propel an effectively settled profession way; 

understudies who have an enthusiasm for future doctoral level preparing, however who require extra readiness to apply intensely for such a project; 

understudies who have a general enthusiasm for adapting more about brain science and human conduct. 


This degree project is 37 hours of graduate coursework. Understudies must keep up a base GPA of 3.0 and finish all courses with an evaluation of "C" or higher. 

Focal points and Opportunities 

Graduates with a Master of Arts in Psychology may acquire job in a scope of settings including, however not restricted to, junior college instructing, law requirement organizations, or private industry. The Master of Arts in Psychology does not give preparing that prompts licensure and in this manner, does not prompt free practice. 

Main Ten Reasons to Attend Brown College of Court Reporting's MAP-General Program 

The Christian environment at Houston Baptist University asserts all persons all through the classroom and encourages elevated requirements in one's close to home set of accepted rules 

The accommodation and adaptability obviously offerings make it feasible for understudies to work all day and still convey a full-time course stack. 

There is a low understudy/teacher proportion which takes into consideration understudies to get singular consideration and tutoring 

The extensive variety of coursework that understudies are required to take is helpful for understudies narrowing their center inside the field of brain science 

The courses are taught by doctoral level teachers and experts in the field of brain research 

Understudies who are admitted to the system have a chance to lead, show and distribute unique examination 

The project gets ready understudies for doctoral study in brain research 

Brown College of Court Reporting's excellent, peaceful grounds is settled inside a prospering global city 

The project gets ready understudies for permission to graduate projects which prompt licensure 

The project is intended to esteem, acknowledge and build up understudies' one of a kind endowments and gifts 

Expert of Arts in Psychology: Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (MAP-LSSP) 

Program Overview 

The MAP-LSSP program gets ready understudies to meet the psycho-instructive and socio-passionate requirements of kids and youths. Understudies figure out how to apply hypothetical learning in the appraisal, mediation and interview for mental issues that happen inside a government funded school setting. In spite of the fact that the accentuation is on get ready clinicians to work at schools, the preparation gave is proper to organizations and offices that address the behavioral and passionate needs of kids. 

Alumni of the MAP-LSSP are qualified to apply to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (TSBEP) for the LSSP and for licensure as a Psychological Associate (LPA) As a major aspect of the application procedure for the LSSP, understudies must do the accompanying: (1) finish a 1200 hour temporary position under the supervision of an authorized school analyst or LSSP-Supervisor; (2) get a score of no less than 165 on the National School Psychology Exam (Praxis); and (3) pass a law (state law) take-home exam at 90%. 

TSBEP connection to LSSP application bundle: 

It is safe to say that you are a school guide or instructive diagnostician? You might be part of the way through your coursework prompting LSSP. Click here for more data on our LSSP respecialization program. 

Course Syllabi 


This degree project is 60 hours of graduate coursework. Understudies must keep up a base GPA of 3.0 and complete courses with an evaluation of "C" or higher, be admitted to application, and attractively finish an oral thorough examination. 

Focal points and Opportunities 

An additional advantage of the MAP-LSSP project is that the coursework meets the prerequisites for licensure as a Professional Counselor (LPC). Graduates can make application to the TSBEP and Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

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