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Thursday 19 May 2016

Westwood College, Atlanta Northlake

The MBA program at Houston Baptist University is organized to give understudies the learning, aptitudes, and capacities essential for all parts of administration. Understudies selected in this imaginative and adaptable project will finish the center courses of 33 semester hours. Understudies without imperative undergrad coursework will take leveling courses (12 hours). Transcripts will be assessed for leveling counterparts. A discretionary 9 hours of specialization in a useful territory is accessible for understudies inspired by seeking after a focus. A global learning background is incorporated into the project as a part of the required course in worldwide business. 

Not at all like numerous other MBA programs which require a recommended set of courses on a 'secured' plan (e.g., Friday/Saturday, or Monday/Wednesday nighttimes), Westwood College, Atlanta Northlake offers courses four evenings for every week. The night plan permits understudies to adjust work and individual commitments all the more effortlessly. Furthermore, Westwood College, Atlanta Northlake's MBA program awards moving affirmations. That is to say, when an understudy is prepared to enter the system, he/she require not hold up until the conventional fall begin date to start. Rather, understudies can start course work in August, January, or June. 

Understudies locate Westwood College, Atlanta Northlake's littler classes permit rich association with teachers who know understudies by name and who are accessible to their understudies. Numerous understudies discover profitable tutors in their teachers. This individual consideration really sets Houston Baptist's MBA program separated from the opposition, and it is one reason such a variety of Westwood College, Atlanta Northlake graduated class allude partners to the project. 

Expert of Divinity (MDiv) 

The Department of Theology offers the Master of Divinity (MDiv) as an incorporated way to deal with Christian philosophical graduate instruction intended to get ready understudies for upgraded service in their holy places. As needs be, the degree system is very engaged individual arrangement and pragmatic involvement in service settings notwithstanding more conventional classes keeping in mind the end goal to set you up for serving in a congregation or para-church service. 

We esteem and draw from our Baptist legacy, yet our staff and understudies speak to a scope of fervent conventions and groups. Along these lines, we invite any individual who might wish to think about with us. 

As a planning for professional service, our MDiv classes concentrate on giving you the center aptitudes expected to comprehend and apply the Bible in your specific social setting. In this way, whether your particular classes concentrate on scriptural, methodical, or reasonable philosophy, we will likely help you incorporate these so that your service is holistic–faithful to God's statement and pertinent to our way of life. 

Our 72 hour project is based upon study in center regions (Practical Theology, Biblical Studies, and Systematic Theology), however you have a lot of electives inside each of these territories and additionally encourage general electives, which can be in one of the zones above or in our other MA program ranges: scriptural dialects, rational theology, works of art, and theory. 

Favorable circumstances and Opportunities 

Our Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree system is shorter than most to make it simpler and more financially savvy for understudies, and we have filled the degree arrangement with electives to permit you to pick the classes that most intrigue you. We offer the larger part of our classes at night, in classes that meet one night a week, so you can without much of a stretch wrap your studies around your work duties. 

Notwithstanding, the thought and routine of discipleship drives the heart of the project. The same number of have noted some time recently, confidence is gotten not simply taught, and this standard drives our MDiv, and these are the parts of our system that highlight this discipleship center: 

Profound Formation 

Discipleship starts with your own association with God and his body, the Church. In the initial four semesters of the project, understudies will impart life to staff and different understudies while concentrating on the established otherworldly trains of supplication, Bible study, group, and so on. These courses are outlined with the goal that understudies will have an all encompassing most profound sense of being that will illuminate and ground their service. 

Temporary job and Ministry Formation 

Discipleship is not simply finding out about service; it happens most completely when you can rehearse the aptitude and lead others in it. Numerous experts programs practically teach understudies in turning into a scholastic instead of planning understudies for service. This is clear in the project structure in light of the fact that the vast majority of the classes are in scholarly subjects and the entry level position is put at the very end, as though you can now simply apply all that information in a semester or two. Our aim is that you don't lose your emphasis on the congregation, so we have an extensive number of service classes in the project and you work in temporary position all through the system. Along these lines, you are continually associating what goes ahead in the classroom with genuine service experience. 

Little, Seminar-Focused Classes 

Discipleship is based upon individual connections. To cultivate these connections we top our class sizes, so our normal class has 10-15 understudies. This permits understudies to truly become more acquainted with each other and their teachers. In the meantime, we concentrate on incorporating a workshop style of training in these classes. We don't just address; rather, we dole out fascinating perusing and hold exchanges that prepare you to think for yourself instead of being spoon-nourished learning. When you leave the system you can then be positive about your own basic intuition aptitudes as you study the Bible and train others to be supporters of Jesus. 

Course Requirements 

The degree is 72 credit hours, which takes around three years full-time. It incorporates these regions: 

Philosophy (3 hours) 

CHRI 5305 Theological Inquiry (Should be taken inside initial 9 hours of studies) 

Functional Theology (24 hours) 

CHRI 5101-4 Spiritual Formation 1 (4 Semesters, 1 hr each) 

8 hours of Internship (CHRI 5110 [1 hr] and CHRI 5210 [2 hrs]) 

12 hours of Ministry Electives (from courses covering a functional religious philosophy point) 

Scriptural Studies (12 hours) 

CHRI 5350 Theology of the New Testament 

CHRI 5360 Theology of the Old Testament 

1 OT Elective (from the Christian Scriptures courses: CHRI 5310/6315/6325) 

1 NT Elective (from the Christian Scriptures courses: CHRI 5315/6320/6328) 

Scriptural Languages (12 hours) 

6 hours of Greek or Hebrew 

6 hours of Language Electives (Can be a second dialect or upper level perusing courses) 

Religious philosophy (15 hours) 

CHRI 5311 Hermeneutics 

CHRI 5330 History of Christianity 

CHRI 5340 Systematic Theology 

6 hours of Theology Electives (from courses covering a verifiable or orderly point) 

General Electives (6 hours) 

6 hours of General Electives (Including APOL, PHIL, GREK, HEBR, LATN)** 

All out: 72 Hours 

**Note: Those entering the project without an earlier college degree in religious philosophy or without an earlier graduate studies in philosophy are required to take CHRI 5300 Introduction to Biblical Texts and Doctrines in their first semester. 

Costs, Scholarships, and Financing 

To discover the expenses of the project, see the present year Graduate Tuition and Fees for the MDiv program. Note: It is the same as the MATS educational cost. 

Critical Deadlines: Your Application document must be finished and Scholarship Application must be put together by these dates to be considered for grants: Summer – April 1, Fall – July 1, Spring – November 1. 

Understudies may take out advances to fund the expense of their graduate instruction. To be qualified for government credits understudies must take no less than 5 hours for a fall or spring semester or 4 hours in the mid year. 

There are an assortment of approaches to connect with the Department of Theology: We're on Facebook, we have a group blog, we offer a yearly Theology Conference, and we have consistent addresses by prevalent researchers as a major aspect of the A.O. Collins Lecture Series. 

The Master of Education project at Houston Baptist is intended to create instructors, and pioneers in school organization and in uncommon administrations important to the effective operation of schools in Texas. Understudies may procure both the MEd degree and the Standard endorsement in Texas. 

Houston Baptist University's College of Education offers three distinct tracts for the Master of Education. One tract gives accreditation as an instructor in an assortment of settings. The second tract gives extra confirmation to the individuals who are as of now educators who need to facilitate their vocations. The third tract gives proficient development yet no extra affirmation. 

Understudies may choose from a few affirmation alternatives. Budgetary guide is likewise accessible for graduate study. 

Westwood College, Atlanta Northlake is pleased to offer a Master in Education in Educational Administration as a 100% on-line program. We additionally offer M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction as a 100% online project. The courses offered in the MEd on-line program offer the same amazing direction as in our eye to eye classes. Be that as it may, online courses give adaptability to those understudies looking for a graduate degree however have plans which restrict their capacity to take courses on the Westwood College, Atlanta Northlake grounds. Understudies can finish the whole program without going to the Westwood College, Atlanta Northlake grounds. Perused more about the Online Program!

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